Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nothing To Say

I'm not sure what to say. I'm just waiting for summer to end or at least for the 26th so I can go to Colorado. After that I register for school, get my physical, decorate my locker and such, and then it's pretty much speeding downhill to school. I feel like once I get to Colorado the rest of the summer will fly by, and I can finally get back to school where I see my friends regularly and there's always something to keep me busy. Does that make sense? I think it does. Summer has lasted too long. Not that I mind sleeping in and chilling. I just wish breaks were more spread out, because I don't need sleeping and chilling now. It's during the stressful school year that I need extra sleep and chill time. But hey, a long summer is better than no summer right? Actually I'm beginning to think it's not.


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